Ready to rock your Instagram content?

Want to ditch saying 'link in bio' and actually get your business the engagement, sales and leads it deserves?
More comments on your posts, more messages in the DMs? All delivering an automated, yet personalised experience for your followers?

"Yes, Siree!! How do I find out more about this game-changing wonder?" 

Right here, my friend! This Starter Kit has all the information you need to learn about IG chat funnels and how they are triggered, as well as best-practice tips for laying solid foundations.

And... it's totally FREE!! BOOM!

So tell me Mel... why should I implement chat funnels on my Instagram account?

Ok.. 'fess up... how many leads and conversions have you really had from saying 'link in bio'? 


Let me guess... it's not a huge number. And not the number that your business deserves, right? How do I know this? Because 'link in bio' just doesn't work. It's a hefty ol' schlep from your post, to your bio, to the RIGHT link and then to - hopefully - signing up or engaging with your 'thing'. You're relying on your followers to do the work. Aannd... you don't want it to be a hefty schlep - you want to make it EASY for them. 

Likelihood that they click the wrong link, or just never go to your profile in the first place? Huge! 

And, FYI, here's another little fact for you.. link in bio has been around for yonks.. and technology moves FAST! I bet many of your marketing strategies have changed loads in the past 10 years right? Why rely on outdated tech when there's a MUCH better, fresher, snazzier option?


Asking followers to type just one word as a comment on your post, or as a DM or as a reply to your story is going to help you boost your conversion rate. Why? Because it's so much simpler and easier for your followers to take action. Quite frankly, it's a no-brainer! 


AND - double bonus - engaging them in a personalised conversation in the DMs is sure to help build brand loyalty too right?

AND - triple bonus - we all know how more comments and likes help that good ol' algo don't we?

There is so much to gain from implementing chat funnels on to your Instagram account – and nothing to lose. 

But don't just dive right in to Manychat, my friend (I know it's tempting!). Take a little time to figure out whether this tool is for you, how it could fit within your existing marketing, explore the foundational aspects and work out what flows you need to build - and this is 100% what this Starter Kit is for!!

  What's under the hood, Mel?

Module 1: What are chat funnels? Why should I be using them in my business? How do I implement them? Watch the webinar and/or download the PDF.

Module 2: Get connected. Learn the best practice of how to connect your account. Troubleshooting tips included too!

Module 3: Dashboard tour. Take a look around the Manychat dashboard. See what's under the hood and familiarise yourself with all the bells and whistles.

Module 4: Website link template & tutorial. Test it out for yourself. Plug and play this template in to your IG to get an idea of how it all works. Compatible with FREE Manychat account.

Module 5: Jargon buster – learn the lingo of Manychat and gen up on the importance of your trigger words.

I did Mel’s first IG Chat Funnels Sprint over five days and she was a fab teacher. I am relatively tech-literate, but having Mel show me how to navigate and build inside Manychat saved me hours of trying to figure it out myself. 

She also showed me many strategies and gave me plenty of tips on functionality that I would never thought of. She really knows her stuff when it comes to chat marketing!

Jenny Evans
One Voice Marketing

Thank you Mel for demystifying ManyChat for me and not only setting me up with some very useful flows but also educating and inspiring me on how this tool can benefit my company.

Lisa Devlin
Photography Farm

In case we haven't met yet...

Hi, I’m Mel

I’m a conversational marketing specialist, working with brands to boost their sales, leads and engagement through chat funnels and Facebook ads. 

I am a Manychat Messenger Marketing Expert and Instagram automation is totally my jam! 

There is no better time to ditch using link in bio and actually start to get sales and leads from your content. Let me show you how!

IG Chat Funnels Starter Kit£0

Let me guess what you're thinking...

1. Who is this Starter Kit for?  

Whoa there!! Is that really a question you need to be asking my friend?! You want more reach and engagement from your organic content, right? You want to start more conversations in the DMs, right? Then this is most definitely for you. But WAIT - hit those brakes for a second -  I do have one word of caution. If your organic Insta content is currently drier than a desert, no-one's commenting and there's tumbleweed in your DMs.. implementing Manychat ain't gonna help you. This cool tool will help to amplify existing engagement, not create it. So, if this smarts a little for you, go and work on that organic strategy first.. and then come back and fill yer boots! I'll be waiting .

2. Do I need to be an existing Manychat user? 

Nope. This is aimed at those of you who have never explored the platform before. It's foundational level. We're starting right at... the start!! Having said that, if you do already have an account, but don't really know exactly what to do with it and are a little clueless as to it's powerful bells and whistles, then come on in, there's something here for you too.


3. What if I decide that this is not for me? 

Nothing ventured, nothing gained right? And as this Starter Kit is totally free, you really don't have anything to lose. It may not be right for you, right now. But by jumping in and exploring you'll soon know whether this is something that could benefit you in the future - winner!!

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All information included in this training is accurate as of May 2024.
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  • Total payment
  • 1xIG Chat Funnels Starter Kit£0

All prices in GBP
